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44 talstar xtra verge label

PDF GROUP 3 INSECTICIDES FIRST AID - Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also con-tact 1-(800)-331-3148 for Emergency Assistance. ... Featuring Verge per 1000 ft2 Lb Talstar® XTRA Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge per Acre 1.15 to 2.3 Lbs/1000 sq ft 2.3 to 4.6 Lbs/1000 sq ft 100 to 200 Lbs ... PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Smithereen Talstar® Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology SDS # : 6676-A Revision date: 2015-04-13 Version 1.01 Methods for cleaning up Clean and neutralize spill area, tools and equipment by washing with bleach water and soap. Absorb rinsate and add to the collected waste. Waste must be classified and labeled prior to recycling or ...

PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Talstar® Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology SDS # : 6676-A Revision date: 2016-05-26 Version 1.03 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Do not contaminate other pesticides, fertilizers, water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Storage Keep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away from open flames, hot surfaces

Talstar xtra verge label

Talstar xtra verge label

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Talstar® Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology MSDS #: 6676-A Revision Date: 2014-06-27 Version 1.03 Contaminated packaging Containers must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Refer to the product label for container disposal instructions. Do not reuse or refill this container. 14. PDF Group 3 Insecticides First Aid Application of at least 125 lbs/acre (2.8 lbs granules per 1000 sq. ft.) of Talstar® XTRA Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology will provide four months residual activity for control of foraging Imported Fire Ants and newly mated fly-In Queens. Talstar XTRA w/ Verge Granular Insecticide - LawnPro Description Talstar XTRA w/ Verge Granule Technology is an easy to apply insecticide for control of lawn damaging insects such as chinch bugs, billbugs, sod webworms, and pests harmful like ants, fire ants, ticks and fleas, along with many more.

Talstar xtra verge label. Pest Control Product Labels & MSDS | Wil-Kil Pest Control Product labels and MSDS sheets for pest control materials used by the integrated pest management specialists at Wil-Kil. ... Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide-Label-279-3343.pdf: Label: Talstar®Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge - SDS - 279-9552: SDS: Taurus SC - Label - 53883-279: Label: Talstar Xtra Verge Granular - Agworld DBX powered by Greenbook Talstar Xtra Verge Granular FMC Professional Solutions. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: 57499 Active ingredients Bifenthrin Zeta-cypermethrin Classification. 3A. Insecticide. WSSA mode of action Sodium channel modulators ... This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label. Users of this database must read and follow ... Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide - 25 Lbs. - Buy Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide - 25 Lbs. at Skip to Main Content. Departments. Services. ... Calculators Calendars & Planners Desk & Workspace Organizers Folders & Filing Glues & Glue Removers Journals Labels & Label Makers Laminators & Laminating Supplies Markers & Highlighters Notebooks & Pads Paper Paper Shredders Pencils ... Talstar Xtra Verge Granules - Provar Distributors Ltd And because it achieves impressive results even at low application rates, Talstar XTRA verge Granular Insecticide is an excellent, cost-effective solution for fast-acting, long-lasting protection. Target Pests: Most Ants (including Fire Ants) Chinch Bugs, Fleas, Ticks, Mole Crickets, Crane Flies and others. See Label for Complete List.

Talstar XTRA Verge Granular Insecticide - Lawn and Pest Control Supply Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide from is a product for treating outdoor insect infestations around the home. Made with the active ingredients Bifenthrin and Zeta-Cypermethrin is dust free and a very low odor. This Insecticides added ingredients helps eliminate colonies within hours instead of days and is labeled to treat more than 18 insects. Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Talstar Xtra is a granular insecticide labeled to treat for more than 18+ species of pests including, Fire Ants, Billbugs, Armyworms, Fleas, Mole Crickets, Cutworms, and many more. The specially formulated granules create virtually no dust (so it is safer for applicators), no odor, and is non-staining. $43.89 Add to Cart Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide 25 lb. - Label & Price - SiteOne Talstar Xtra features Verge Granule Technology to control pests. Verge Granule Technology; Easy application; Regulatory Disclaimer: ... Information and Guides . Label. SDS. Product Information Sheet. Prices may vary from branch to branch and online. Branch is not responsible for the errors or omissions in pricing and quantity. Suppliers of the ... Golf & Sports Turf - Target - Customer Portal - Talstar Xtra w/ Verge ... Talstar Xtra w/ Verge Granules (25lb) Hover to zoom, click to enlarge I501219 Bag Talstar XTRA quickly kills fire ants and other outdoor pests like fleas and ticks, proving to get rid of fire ant colonies within 15 minutes. Lawn and yard pests such as imported fire ants, can pose a serious health risk for humans & pets.

Talstar Xtra W/Verge 25 Lbs. - Garland Services, Inc The broad spectrum control of new Talstar XTRA featuring Verge is labeled for use against over 75 lawn pests. Get up to four months of reliable control of most ants (including fire ants) as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, earwigs, crane flies and many other lawn pests.* Talstar Xtra Verge - 25 Lb | Forshaw TALSTAR XTRA VERGE - 25 LB Item No. FMC50900 Get up to four months of reliable control of most ants (including fire ants) as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, earwigs, crane flies and many other lawn pests. ACTIVE INGREDIENT - Zeta-Cypermethrin Verge granule is uniform in size and shape for improved ballistics during Talstar® XTRA Featuring Verge™ Granule Technology - FMC The broad spectrum control of new Talstar XTRA featuring Verge granule technology is labeled for use against over 75 lawn pests. Get up to four months of reliable control of most ants (including fire ants) as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, earwigs, crane flies and many other lawn pests. Quick Facts Talstar Insecticide: Reviews and Effectiveness | 2022 Buyer's Guide The Talstar insecticide is made with 7,9% bifenthrin. This chemical belongs to the pyrethroid chemical class and is considered to be moderately toxic to humans and animals while being highly toxic to fish. Bifenthrin works by affecting the nervous system and causing paralysis in insects.

Product Information | LabelSDS Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide Verge FMC EPA Registration #: 279-9552. Pest / Termite ... Talstar Xtra Granular w Verge NY Stamp Label 12-28-16.pdf Talstar XTRA Verge Label 10-14-16.pdf. Current SDS. All Toggle Dropdown. Talstar XTRA Verge SDS 5-26-16.pdf. Return. 904-609-0123. About; Pricing; Sign Up; FAQ;

Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide | Forestry Suppliers, Inc. Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide, 25 lb. Bag Proven to eliminate dangerous fire ant colonies in four hours or less, this broad spectrum control insecticide is labeled for use against most ants, as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, crane flies and many other lawn pests.

Talstar 35832596186 Xtra Granular Insecticide-25 lbs Talstar 35832596186 Xtra Granular Insecticide-25 lbs . Visit the Talstar Store. 4.6 out of 5 stars 739 ratings. $65. ... commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas and athletic fields. Read product label for more information UPC# : 035832596186. Product information . Product Dimensions : 12 x 8 x 8 inches : Item Weight : 25 ...

Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide - Verge 25 lb. - diypestcontrol Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide is featured with Verge Granule Technology. This technology is a clay based granule formulation that provides an even coverage, rapid disintegration in lawns and turf and remarkably little dust. This heavy sand carrier in Talstar Xtra helps the active ingredients from drifting away from the target.

Talstar XTRA Granules - Where to buy Talstar XTRA Granules - Pestrong Label/SDS Reviews (6) Talstar XTRA Granules - 25 Lb Verge Bifenthrin Insecticide is an effective and versatile tool for a wide range of accounts with long lasting up to 4 months. Eliminate Fire Ants and Other Outdoor Pests in Record Time Lawn pests don't just crash picnics.

PDF 8.375 x 9.5 (Prime) more than 0.5 lbs. total ai (0.4 lbs. bifenthrin) per acre. Mounds should be treated by applying 1/2 cup of Talstar® XTRA Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology per mound and then drenching the mound with 1 to 2 gallons of water. The mounds should be treated with sufficient force to break their apex and allow the

Talstar XTRA Verge 25 LBs - Winfield United Professional Arrives in a 25lb resealable bag.Talstar Xtra Verge is a granular pesticide labeled for a multitude of pests and works quickly to treat the treated outdoor surface it lands on within 15 minutes, with up to 4 months of control. Zeta-Cypermethrin and Bifenthrin are the two active ingredients within Talstar Xtra Verge granules.

Talstar Pro Insecticide - 3/4 Gal | Forshaw A flexible label allows Talstar Professional to be approved for multiple use-sites, so you can use it almost anywhere: indoors and out as well as in industrial, commercial and food-handling areas. ... TALSTAR XTRA VERGE - 25 LB. 50 GAL HONDA LOW PROFILE TANK. 50 GAL-12 V LOW PROFILE TANK. 50 GAL - 12V REGULAR TANK. 25 GAL - 12V, SHURFLO 3.0GPM ...

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet - JP Pest Services Talstar® Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology MSDS #: 6676-A Revision Date: 2013-10-11 Version 1.02 8. EXPOSURE CONTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure guidelines Chemical Name ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL NIOSH Mexico bentonite 1302-78-9 TWA: 1 mg/m3 crystalline silica, quartz 14808-60-7 TWA: 0.025 mg/m 3See note IDLH: 50 mg/m ...

Talstar Xtra Granular Insecticide | | PestWeb by Veseris The broad spectrum control of new Talstar XTRA featuring Verge is labeled for use against over 75 lawn pests. Get up to four months of reliable control of most ants (including fire ants) as well as chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, earwigs, crane flies and many other lawn pests.* Specifications SDS & Labels Reviews Documents FAQs Quick List

Talstar XTRA Granular Insecticide (25-lb. bag) - Oldham Chemical Company This comprehensive label makes Talstar XTRA an effective and versatile tool for a wide range of accounts. Top-of-the-Line Control that's Good For Your Bottom Line Even with its advanced formulation, Talstar XTRA featuring Verge remains a cost-effective choice for all of your surface-feeding pest and turf accounts. In fact, you can treat ...

Talstar XTRA w/ Verge Granular Insecticide - LawnPro Description Talstar XTRA w/ Verge Granule Technology is an easy to apply insecticide for control of lawn damaging insects such as chinch bugs, billbugs, sod webworms, and pests harmful like ants, fire ants, ticks and fleas, along with many more.

PDF Group 3 Insecticides First Aid Application of at least 125 lbs/acre (2.8 lbs granules per 1000 sq. ft.) of Talstar® XTRA Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology will provide four months residual activity for control of foraging Imported Fire Ants and newly mated fly-In Queens.

PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Talstar® Xtra Granular Insecticide Featuring Verge Granule Technology MSDS #: 6676-A Revision Date: 2014-06-27 Version 1.03 Contaminated packaging Containers must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Refer to the product label for container disposal instructions. Do not reuse or refill this container. 14.

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