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43 cutlass herbicide label

CUTLASS® Herbicide | ADAMA New Zealand CUTLASS is a powerful, selective herbicide for the control of difficult broadleaf weeds in cereals, maize, pasture and waste areas. Last updated: Friday, 12/11/2021 - 03:08 PM Active Ingredients dicamba Formulation Type 500 g/L/SC Key Targets Fathen Shepherd's Purse Willow Weed Wireweed Crops Barley Brassicas Cereals Kale Linseed Maize Oats Cutlass 500 - ADAMA herbicide Cutlass 500 registration_expired ADAMA - herbicide 82128 GROUP I HERBICIDE For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, conservation tillage, sugar cane, turf, rice, grain sorghum and non-crop areas as specified in the Directions for Use table. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Restraints:

PDF Adama Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 1, Level 4, Building B Emergency 1800 ... Trade Name: Cutlass 500 Herbicide APVMA Code: 82128 Product Use: Agricultural herbicide for use as described on the product label. Creation Date: March, 2003 This version issued: July, 2016 and is valid for 5 years from this date. Poisons Information Centre: Phone 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia Section 2 - Hazards Identification

Cutlass herbicide label

Cutlass herbicide label

PDF CUTLASS HERBICIDE - Cutlass Herbicide label March 2021 Page 3 of 10 . appropriate protective clothing as in the personal protection section of this label to clean up spills. Absorb spills with an inert material (such as vermiculite, earth, sand or synthetic absorbent substance) and place in ... Cutless 0.33G | SePRO Corporation Labels and SDS Registered States Product Overview Cutless Granular is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows shoot growth of hedges, shrubs and groundcovers in landscaped areas. Plants treated with Cutless Granular will require less trimming and will have a more compact growth form, improving profitability by reducing labor and fuel costs. PDF Cutless® PERSONAL 0.33G PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Refer to label booklet for additional Precautionary Information and Directions for Use, including Storage and Disposal. Notice: Read the entire label before using. Use only according to label directions. Before buying or using this product, read Warranty Disclaimer and Misuse statements in the label booklet. If terms are unacceptable,

Cutlass herbicide label. Cutlass® M | ADAMA Australia Cutlass® M is a selective systemic herbicide containing dicamba and MCPA. Controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds in winter cereals, pastures and turf. Last updated: Wednesday, 24/08/2022 - 03:22 PM Active Ingredients Dicamba 80 g/L + MCPA 340 g/L Formulation Type SL- Soluble Liquid Concentrate Key Targets Climbing Buckwheat Spiny Emex Specimen Label Cutless 50W - SiteOne understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals Harmful If Swallowed or Inhaled. Causes Eye Irritation. Avoid breathing dust or spray mist and contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Use eye protection when handling this product. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator - Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator is labeled for perennial woody ground covers and woody ornamental shrubs and hedges, but does not specifically mention Eleagnus on the label. We recommend contacting your local extension office for assistance in a choosing a Plant Growth Regulator that is successful in your area. PDF | Special Solutions. For Specialty Markets. | Special Solutions. For Specialty Markets.

Cutlass® 500 | ADAMA Australia Cutlass® 500 selective herbicide controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species in fallow, grass pastures, Pinus radiata plantations and turf. Last updated: Tuesday, 29/11/2022 - 11:51 AM Active Ingredients Dicamba 500 g/L Formulation Type SL- Soluble Liquid Concentrate Related Documents All Documents Cutlass® 500 Label Cutlass M - ADAMA herbicide Cutlass M - ADAMA herbicide Cutlass M registration_expired ADAMA - herbicide 54811 GROUP I HERBICIDE For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, turf and non-crop areas as specified in the Directions for Use table. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Restraints: DO NOT spray when rain seems likely to occur within 4 hours. Cutlass® 500 | ADAMA Australia Cutlass® 500 Control annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species in cereals, sugarcane, sorghum, Pinus radiata plantations and other crop situations. Last updated: Tuesday, 02/08/2022 - 02:53 PM Active Ingredients Dicamba 500 g/L Formulation Type SL- Soluble Liquid Concentrate Related Documents All Documents Cutlass® 500 Label PDF0.2MB CUTLASS HERBICIDE - Adama Agricultural Solutions Label . Cutlass Herbicide label March 2021 Page 3 of 10 . appropriate protective clothing as in the personal protection section of this label to clean up spills. Absorb spills with an inert material (such as vermiculite, earth, sand or synthetic absorbent substance) and place in waste containers. Wash area with water and alkaline detergent.

Cutlass - ADAMA herbicide Rate: Apply 600mL Cutlass Herbicide + 2.2 litres of a glyphosate 490 g/L product in 100-200 litres water per hectare. See glyphosate label rates for problem weeds Comments: Graze pasture and allow 5-10 cm of regrowth before spraying. Allow 3 days for chemical to be absorbed, then drill as soon as possible (5-7 days for couch, Californian thistle) Cutless | SePRO Corporation Cutless consistently performs at the highest level to reduce shoot growth and clipping yield, resulting in improved aesthetics and playability. Additionally, Cutless provides many plant health and stress tolerance benefits. Features Benefits Enhances turf color and quality Improves playability, striping, and overall aesthetics Cutlass® M Herbicide - Nuturf Label BROCHURE For any commercial pricing enquiries, please Contact Us on 1800 631 008 Description Reviews (0) CUTLASS® M herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 340 g/L MCPA and 80 g/L Dicamba It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in turf and several herbaceous weeds in general non crop situations PDF Cutless MEC Label - SePRO Cutless MEC Label - SePRO

Cutlass® M

Cutlass® M

PDF Cutlass® M - UDOO RELEVANT LABEL PARTICULARS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING CUTLASS' M Herbicide contains members I GROUP II HERBICIDE I of the Benzoic acid and Phenoxy groups of L. =:.:::_._CL:.:==:=c::J herbicides. CUTLASS M has the Disruptors of plant cell growth mode of action. For weed resistance management CUTLASS M is a Group I

Cutlass® M Herbicide - Nuturf

Cutlass® M Herbicide - Nuturf

Cutlass® M Herbicide - Nuturf Product Code: CCUTM-5. CUTLASS® M herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 340 g/L MCPA and 80 g/L Dicamba. It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in turf and several herbaceous weeds in general non crop situations. CUTLASS® M Herbicide can be used on a large number of established turf varieties.

Agricultural Chemicals for Crop Weed Control | Shop Online ...

Agricultural Chemicals for Crop Weed Control | Shop Online ...

PDF Cutless® PERSONAL 0.33G PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Refer to label booklet for additional Precautionary Information and Directions for Use, including Storage and Disposal. Notice: Read the entire label before using. Use only according to label directions. Before buying or using this product, read Warranty Disclaimer and Misuse statements in the label booklet. If terms are unacceptable,

Callisto herbicide | For broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley

Callisto herbicide | For broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley

Cutless 0.33G | SePRO Corporation Labels and SDS Registered States Product Overview Cutless Granular is a systemic plant growth regulator that slows shoot growth of hedges, shrubs and groundcovers in landscaped areas. Plants treated with Cutless Granular will require less trimming and will have a more compact growth form, improving profitability by reducing labor and fuel costs.

6 Easy Steps To Cassava Weed Management - Farmsquare

6 Easy Steps To Cassava Weed Management - Farmsquare

PDF CUTLASS HERBICIDE - Cutlass Herbicide label March 2021 Page 3 of 10 . appropriate protective clothing as in the personal protection section of this label to clean up spills. Absorb spills with an inert material (such as vermiculite, earth, sand or synthetic absorbent substance) and place in ...

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Product Name: eLabel APVMA Approval No: Agsure Dicamba 500 ...

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Broad Sweep broadleaf herbicide | WeedForce

Broad Sweep broadleaf herbicide | WeedForce

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Cutlass® 500 | ADAMA Australia

Cutlass® 500 | ADAMA Australia

CUTLASS® Herbicide | ADAMA New Zealand

CUTLASS® Herbicide | ADAMA New Zealand

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Cutlass® M | ADAMA Australia

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Cutlass - ADAMA herbicide

Cutlass - ADAMA herbicide

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