38 subdue fungicide label
Subdue fungicide professional horticulture crop protection Designed for application either as a drench or incorporated into growing media or soil, Subdue is authorised for use on both protected and outdoor ornamentals. Its systemic action, however, means it also offers some activity against oomycete leaf diseases such as downy mildew. Links and Downloads U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SUBDUE MAXX, 09/22/2008 Sep 22, 2008 · The active ingredient in Subdue MAXX is mefenoxam, a group 4 fungicide (phenylamide). Alternations and tank mixes with fungicides that are not in group 4 are recommended to prevent the development of insensitive isolates of mefenoxam. Some disease pathogens are known to have developed resistance to fungicides used repeatedly for their control.
Subdue MAXX - Syngenta SUBDUE MAXX® Fungicide is irritating to skin and eye Do not get in eyes, on skin s. or on clothing and avoid breathing spray. Do not apply insuch a way that this product will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only handlers (mixers, loaders and applicators) wearing personal protective
Subdue fungicide label
Subdue Maxx® Fungicide | Greencast Canada SUBDUE MAXX Fungicide provides control of Pythium blight and Pythium damping-off in golf course turf. Within the rate labelled for turf, use the lower rate for the shortest interval listed and the higher rate for the longest interval. Under severe disease conditions, use the highest rate and shortest interval specified. Subdue MAXX - UC Davis Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide for use on ornamentals; turf; nonbearing citrus grown in nurseries and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations, including Christmas trees; and nonbearing deciduous fruit and nut trees grown in nurseries. Notes: (1) Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide having a specific mode of action. Subdue GR | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Subdue GR Syngenta LLC. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: ... Active ingredients Mefenoxam Classification. 4. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action A1: RNA polymerase I. Registration EPA: 100-794. Pests Blight, Pythium/Cottony Trunk Canker Damping-off Damping-off Foot Rot Downy Mildew Root Rot Root Rot, Pythium Collar Rot ... This Label Database does ...
Subdue fungicide label. Subdue Maxx Fungicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Aug 5, 2018 · Subdue Maxx Fungicide by Syngenta is a systemic fungicide which contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution. Subdue Maxx has broad-spectrum control of a variety of common diseases including pythium blight and pythium damping-off, and also delivers systemic activity providing even distribution throughout the plant. Subdue GR | Syngenta LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Subdue GR Syngenta LLC. Labels. Label SDS. Snapshot ID: ... Active ingredients Mefenoxam Classification. 4. Fungicide. WSSA mode of action A1: RNA polymerase I. Registration EPA: 100-794. Pests Blight, Pythium/Cottony Trunk Canker Damping-off Damping-off Foot Rot Downy Mildew Root Rot Root Rot, Pythium Collar Rot ... This Label Database does ... Subdue MAXX - UC Davis Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide for use on ornamentals; turf; nonbearing citrus grown in nurseries and as landscape plantings; conifers grown in nurseries and plantations, including Christmas trees; and nonbearing deciduous fruit and nut trees grown in nurseries. Notes: (1) Subdue MAXX is a systemic fungicide having a specific mode of action. Subdue Maxx® Fungicide | Greencast Canada SUBDUE MAXX Fungicide provides control of Pythium blight and Pythium damping-off in golf course turf. Within the rate labelled for turf, use the lower rate for the shortest interval listed and the higher rate for the longest interval. Under severe disease conditions, use the highest rate and shortest interval specified.
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